The virtual silent auction has been received very favorably. So, by popular demand, we will do the silent auction on-line again this year.
The live auction will be conducted on November 2 at DUUC at 5:30 PM. Stay tuned for more details!
Go to the "Purchase Your Ticket Here" page under the 2024 Auction link on the DUUC website and purchase your ticket. One virtual auction ticket is required per bidder, couple or family depending upon how you will be paying. Each credit card used for payment will require a unique admission to the auction.
Once you have purchased a ticket to the auction, you will receive an email invitation to register in the Greater Giving On-line Bidding software. Follow the link in the email. Have your credit card information handy.
Please note that all auctions items that have been loaded at that time will be available for viewing. Check back often, as new items will be added as they come in.
Please take time to familiarize yourself with the bidding process. Once you have purchased a ticket and registered with Greater Giving, you will have access to the bidding site. Check out the "Learn to Bid" tutorial on the left hand side of the landing page.
On-line bidding will start at 4:00 pm on Thursday, October 31st, and continue until 8:30 am on Sunday, November 3.
Payment and Pick-up:
Payment for all your purchases will be charged to the credit card you used to register in Greater Giving. After the close of the Virtual Auction, come to DUUC between 11:30 am and 1:00 pm on Sunday, November 3. A volunteer will give you an invoice to review and your Silent Auction items. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your invoice, they may be addressed at that time.
Delivery of perishable food items will be arranged between the donor and purchaser of each item.